Monday, March 3, 2014

12/9/13: Week of Stuff

I don't know what happened but our numbers this week were probably the lowest I've had in my whole mission. Not that numbers mean that much :)

We had a lot of service opportunities. We went to the National Railroad Museum several times to help out with the Christmas special. It was sold out back in like June because it's that awesome. The Polar Express!!! It's sooo much fun. So we did that a few times this week, and we talked to Carla, who is about to start meeting with the Spanish missionaries, and apparently Keri wants to start meeting with us. She is in charge of volunteers there. Like half the ward volunteers there, and like 4 sets of missionaries, so it was kinda hard for them to not ask questions :)
WE HEARD FROM RICHARD!!! He's the most golden investigator ever that I used to teach like three months ago but then he disappeared. We texted him--mostly for kicks--and he responded!! Yup...he's in jail. Until July. But whatevs. He's totally getting baptized when he gets out. He's awesome.
I went to Wausau on exchanges and had dinner at some Hmong peoples house. It was DELICIOUS. So much cilantro. In everything. In the rice. and the beef. and the spices. It was awesome :) Pretty spicy though, but I don't mind spicy :)
Plus we taught Jimmy on the exchange, who's just a crack-up. He needs some missionaries who will be able to joke and tease with him but also be super blunt and have high expectations. He's just a little crazy. But he already thinks he's Mormon, so that's a good start...? He just has to start keeping the commandments and stuff, no biggie...
Angie bought these awesome BoM study-help books by David Ridges or something, they are SO COOL. They were also like eighty bucks, but man! I want them. She's just doing so incredibly awesome. Who would've thought? Love her.
Mission Leadership Council was on Friday, it was a serious tender mercy that I got to go to one more before i leave leadership :):) I might have gotten food poisoning and was throwing up the whole time, but it was so much spiritual awesomeness ANYWAY!!! We had the director of training at the Provo MTC, and also the director of all international MTCs there and they did some awesome awesome roleplays and taught some awesome awesome stuff and it was just the best meeting ever :)

Plus, we are SOOOOO close to reaching our goal for baptisms this year!!! I will be so bummed if we don't reach it. We need like 8 baptisms a week for these last three weeks which is seriously stretching it, but possible. I've never seen something so close. I'm super nervous we won't make it, but I know we can!!! Quentin will add to that :) BBAAAHHHH
We survived teaching Chad the WoW and chastity. He likes coffee and lives with a girl that he doesn't really like at all, so they're just little problems that can be resolved. But hopefully they happen so he can be baptized on his date. He's a great guy but it's really hard to read him! He seems just happy with everything we have to share, but I don't know sometimes!! Following the Spirit I guess :)
In Gospel Principles I learned all kinds of new stuff I hadn't heard before about the Millenium. What? Seriously. How did I not know all this stuff?
1st Presidency Christmas Devotional=super cool! and some girl from the Neenah singles ward seems to be interested in Quentin... :D haha. singles activities=power! If only we had a singles ward here. I love Elder Ballard. Sister Wixom was awesome too.
How's everyone doing? Haley, especially?? Sending some letters out today :)

Sister Neal

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