Sunday, September 7, 2014

Last Full Week :S

Is it weird to you? It's pretty weird to me.
This week was a party!
We had mission tour with Elder Martino and he was sooo great! As was President Cutler. And their wives. Everything was just great.
This sounds weird at first, but since I'm at the end of my mission it's probably the most important realization I could have had at that meeting: Elder Martino had President and his wife stand up and some of the missionaries talked about things they had learned from their example.
It hit me soo hard, something I'd never considered before but now I know to be true: a MAJOR reason I came to the Wisconsin Milwaukee Mission was because of President Cutler. When I reflect on the things I've done and the things he's done and all our other mission president would have sufficed for me. He was the most perfect one. I totally never would have guessed it, but seriously--President Cutler has been a defining part of my mission experience.
My companion and I also realized that he favors us immensely. Her because she's Swedish (he's obsessed with Sweden, seriously) and me...I don't know why. But he definitely does.
I also learned in the meeting that the best people to teach and baptize are generally part member/less active people. We talked about all the work in all the areas that can still be done, and I was kinda laughing to myself because , in this respect, we have one of the hardest areas in the mission. We have about 15 potential elders in our area, all of which have zero potential (except for the recently baptized ones). Our part member families have a little potential, but the greater majority are less than interested. unbaptized children are about the same. Our numbers for these categories are the lowest in the entire mission besides, because our branch is so small. And yet here we are, leading the whole mission in baptisms (in branches, anyway). I don't know why the Lord loves us so much. He must love Sturgeon Bay as much as us and President do :)
We partied with the Appleton 2 Sisters (aka, spent the night at their house before mission tour). I love meeting new sisters!
This week we met a cool new investigators named Autumn. Pray for her :) We are also working on Elizabeth's daughter Jess, and I think it's working >:)
We also met the nonmember guy who drove the charter down to the temple for the stake temple trip that happened this weekend. That was cool!
New Relatively Useless Gospel Understanding for the week: In BoM class we were reading 3 Nephi 8 (I think) where it explicitly states that the last Monday of the Saviors mortal life, the day of the Triumphal Entry, was also his 33rd birthday. Cool right? HAPPY BIRTHDAY. Okay, it's not explicit at all, but I'll let you search it out :)
Sister Neal

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