Wednesday, May 28, 2014

5/27/14: It's Finally Spring!

The gospel makes everything more meaningful and everything more fulfilling. It's awesome.
Pat wasn't very happy with us for trying to extend commitments to him. Word to the wise: you will never get anywhere in life without commitment. Same goes for the gospel, Pat!
Our district leader is awesome. He gave a super good training on just loving people enough to follow up and testify of Christ. It was super good. Good district leaders are vital to this work, I've decided. They make a big impact.
Sam committed to come to church AGAIN, and didn't show up, AGAIN. I am seriously confused. WIsconsinites tend to be like this--"Oh yeah, that sounds AWESOME, I'll totally come to church! See you Sunday" and then you never hear from them again--but I expect better of Sam. We're GOING to find out what's up with him.
People just need to feel loved. Love is where it's at. It's also the thing I have a really hard time expressing.
We used a demo with plastic cups making a tower representing the Lord's church on someone's doorstep, literally. It was hilarious. But the ten year old enjoyed it.
We also had an exchange with the GB2 sisters and I got to go back to GB2 again. Love that place. I had forgotten how wonderful exchanges are, I just LOVE them. We had a great time and it was a good reminder, too.
The weather was PERFECT this weekend, which was great for Memorial Day Weekend proselyting. Except it wasn't as successful as we would have hoped because we know people don't really like being bothered on their holidays. Meh. But we took a fun trip north and met a lot of vacationers.
Some people are really blinded by beliefs that don't make sense. I don't get it. And then they won't even listen to us explain things for them! Geez. Perhaps one of the greatest traits for a person to develop in this life: that of listening. I've been absolutely stunned by how many people I've met--investigators, members, missionaries--that don't have that simple skill.
Pray that Amanda gets back in touch with us. She might also be a commitment-phobe Wisconsinite. But she would be great to teach!
We had a member dinner(doesn't happen often here), and now we're addicted to garlic spaghetti. Lol.
I've done a lot of reflecting the past 24 hours. I have a lot of improvements to make. But yesterday after a totally unsuccessful prime proselyting day, I felt the Lord's approval that we had tried. That's enough for me, for now. I love the scripture "Learn of me, for I am meek and lowly in heart." I want to be meek and lowly in heart, too. And then I was overwhelmed as I thought of the character of Jesus Christ, and I saw all these ignorant houses around me and I wished they could just FEEL his character right then, like I did. They would listen to anything we said if they knew what He is like. What His loving friendship feels like. It such a good feeling! I love my Savior :)
Now, how do I get these people to listen to me??
Working on that.
I LOVE being a missionary. Hope it never ends.
Sister Neal

5/19/14: Goal Setting

Goal setting is one thing I have generally despised. I like to fly by the seat of my pants. Particularly in missionary work. But guess what? It totally works!
1) I set some New Years Resolutions that I actually have held on to for the past several months, and I feel like I've made substantial progress with them.
2) We made a goal on Wednesday to actually achieve our weekly goals (which we generally make on like Sunday) last week. We worked hardto achieve them, all the way until like 8:00 last night. And we did it(lessons-wise)! Although we also learned the importance on not putting numbers above people. It did get us to work harder than we might have been initially inclined to do. It was pretty sweet.
Konitchiwa to my extended family of friends! (Why Japanese? No reason.)
We started this week by addressing issues of both social and testimonial nature with one of our recent converts. I thought the issue was resolving itself until he didn't show up for church. AGAIN. And then I was stressed out all last night because of the lack of commitment. It drives me CRAZY.
We met with the husband of a family we are starting to begin teaching, and it went SUPER well. I think he is much more open now than he was initially. I have high hopes. One of my end-of-mission goals is to bring a complete family into the church. Maybe this could be it :)
We met an awesome young mom I also hope to be teaching soon. She was about to turn us away, but then we got talking, and I think she likes us! I love when that happens (I think I've become a people-pleaser on my mission. Not something I ever though I would be :/ But I like it, cause it makes people I can have an influence for good on actually want to listen to me!)
We had Zone Conference this week and I still love meetings. It was really good. Families, family history, something about the House of Israel (Prez likes the OT way too much sometimes), and getting to know sisters I don't know that well. It makes me want to be an STL again because I want to go on exchange soo bad with some of these sisters who are struggling! Instead I just do my best to encourage them and occasionally reprimand their companions--in the nicest way possible (remember, I'm a people-pleaser now;)
Brownie-batter custard.
We have lots of potentials to teach, and it's lots of fun, but lots of work. I love working with the recent converts. They have SO much potential. I can't wait to see the future of these incredible young people.
Next month we are switching to the 3-hour-block. SO excited for that. Complacency is the optimum way Satan reaches the saints. I won't let it happen here! No bueno.
This week we are taking an exciting trip north. I've only done that once before, and it was like 7 at night during the winter. This time we're taking a whole day, and expecting many mighty miracles :) Ferry our car to Washington Island? Thinking about it. I guess that depends on how much it costs. And what the spirit says :) Would go to Beaver Island and convert the Strangite apostates there if it was in our mission, but it's not :(
Funny story of the week:
We went to see some former investigators of mine that I've been a coward about going and seeing. They had company over, who told us that all mankind are descendants of Mars who came to Earth because we destroyed our planet and now we're destroying this one and will have to find another soon. Yeah. I was laughing my head off while he talked and looking at my former investigator who was also laughing--but in a more embarrassed way. I think she feels bad now and will have to let us back in someday. Muahaha.
Thinking about all of you and praying for you often :)
Sister Neal

5/12/14: Cheesecake and Family History

When you're on a mission, Heavenly Father provides birthday miracles, such as Walmart suddenly having in stock the no-bleed sharpies you've been looking for every single P-day since you got to your current area. Tender mercies :)
Then Crystal tried to drop us so we met up one last time, and I think she still plans on dropping us--and I feel like the Spirit would be okay with that, so whatever--but we managed to at least get her to let us come back again next week. We'll see how things turn out. Mostly I want to keep in contact with her because she's our only reliable connection to Sam, who is being a PUNK, but understandably overwhelmed by current themes in his life.
We were all told to learn how to use FamilySearch, so we went to the Bakers on my actual birthday and I started doing some family history work. And we accidentally killed off mom...don't worry, we adjusted the death date to "May 7, 2040" because it wouldn't let us take it off. You've still got plenty of time, mom.
We had brownies and ice cream for breakfast, which was the glorious celebration of turning 22. That was about it :)
Found out all the rebellious and/or commandment-breaking youth/YSA people in the branch really like me. Hmm. I'll attempt to use this to the advantage of the Work.
We've been doing lots of finding this week! Yay for tracting. We have met some good potentials, but really not that many. We took a trip down to Algoma, and met some nice people, but overall, I don't think we'll be going back down there. Neither of us felt very good about it. So next, we are taking a trip north! See if there's more real potential up there. Plus, there are lots of Swedish people, so Sister Karlsson can work her Swedish magic :)
Youth fundraisers are the bomb. We had a spaghetti dinner and desert auction and it was SO MUCH FUNNY. Ate too much cheesecake.
We did like half of a 1000 piece puzzle in like two hours at a sweet old lady's house for Mothers Day. And ate too much cheesecake.
How was the skyping for all you other missionaries/missionary's families?
Much love,
Sister Neal

5/5/14: Stop Being Drunk!

Seriously. Everyone's doing it. Just because Door County is the alcohol capital of America does not mean y'all should be drunk when we're trying to share the gospel with you.
Last week we were driving without a left blinker in front and I became acutely aware of how not-safe that is. You really don't think about it until you don't have it. Well, we assigned our district leader to replace the lightbulb, because you'd think that's an easy assignment, right?
WRONG. Not when you drive a certain Malibu. We took it to an auto center who told us to take it to the dealership. We took it to the dealership who had to remove the whole bumper just to change a lightbulb. That fun goose chase took up like two whole days of our week. Yay for problems that make carless missions seem like a good idea.
Then we helped a new family move into the branch! This branch could always use added strength. So this should be really great :)
Then we tried to visit a potential investigator and our relief society president answered the door. Little miracles.
We decided we really need new investigators so we went tracting for several hours this week, which was pretty fun. We met some really cool people including Tessa, who is a former JW. I so totally LOVE former JWs. Jaime, Quentin, and Sam were all former JWs. She's definitely getting baptized...except that she's moving to Colorado. Whatever. She'll get baptized in Colorado.
The miracles this week came in the form of sunny days. It was pretty much always raining everyday except when the elders were out working on our car, and when we were helping the new family with their moving van, and when we were tracting. Which were the exact times that it needed to not be raining :) You've just gotta be observant to see tender mercies sometimes!
Did all y'all catch the CES fireside last night? It was SO GOOD. Man, I love apostles. We NEED modern day prophets. I don't know how some people just can't see that. They're so fantastic!!!
In other news, I turn 22 in like a few days and I officially have absolutely no excuses whatsoever to consider myself a kid still. Darn it. I'll probably keep acting like one anyway :)
Sister Karlsson and I decided that someone needs to make a movie of the Book of Mormon. The war stories alone have way too many parallels with Lord of the Rings to not be a total success. Preferably not a Hollywood production, obviously, but also more legit that a Church production. "Seen the play, read the book, now watch the movie!" Bam.
All work and a little play :)
Sister Neal

4/28/14: Training < 3

We had a random miracle on Monday where some kid that hasn't been taught in months texted us asking us to come over. Wednesday is transfers. I call these "transfer miracles" because they always happen right before a different missionary comes in. I see them as a sign that that new missionary is supposed to be there working with them. It's awesome :)
Tuesday was basically another pday because we spent the whole day getting errands run for transfers! But we also saw like 5 people for goodbyes, and taught them of course :)
Then we drove down to Milwaukee on Tuesday night and got to spend the night at the WEST ALLIS APARTMENT. With Sister Tanner and Sister King, who currently serve there (Although Sister Tanner is going STL and SISTER NEWTON is coming into the area). It was the best night ever. I miss 'stallis so much. It was the hardest place in the world, but I loved it. We talked about all that's been happening in the year since I've served there, and it's incredible! The sisters just had a baptism, which is the first sisters baptism since my convert, Jaime, in the area 1 year ago. And this new girl sounds super solid. Jaime certainly was :)
I think we stayed up until way-too-late talking about it. Man I love that place. And I'm so excited that sister newton gets to see it!
Wednesday. Wednesday. Wednesday. We had a trainer's training in the morning and let me just tell you I was so nervous I just about died. I don't think I've felt that nervous about anything, ever, before, which is kinda dumb because I've already trained twice.
But it's been so long and my missionary work has changed so much that I just was freaking out!!
And I got to meet one of my great-granddaughters, Sister Packer, who was training right out of her own training. The Ipson legacy goes on :)
Then we got to meet our new trainees. You'd think I would have learned something the last two times I did this, but apparently not, because I was looking at their pictures earlier in the week trying to receive revelation on which one was going to be mine, and I found myself being really scared that I was going to get someone I didn't want.
But then, just like the other times, all the girls walked in and I saw them in person and it was like, "I would be totally thrilled with any one of them."
I have been called to serve with Sister Louise Karlsson, from Stockholm, Sweden. She is utterly fantastic. We've spent almost a week together now and I LOVE TRAINING. The miracles and tender mercies we've seen in just the past few days have left us pretty much speechless every night.
I remember this feeling; I had it when I was being trained--coming home every day and feeling like there were way too many miracles happening to fit in one day. It feels SO GOOD to have it happening again...being with experienced missionaries just isn't the same. Having a new missionary with so much faith and so much willingness has been the best thing ever.

Our first night together we had two lessons, and they were great. Our first full day together (which is technically weekly planning day, but no one believes in that stuff ;P) we saw Ron, who I haven't seen in over a month, chatted endlessly with Elizabeth and taught her daughter Jess the Restoration for Sister Karlsson's first time(it was 'for practice' but sneakily to get Jess more involved), had an awesome BoM class, hawaiian haystacks, and laughed more than I've ever laughed in my life. We have the same sense of humor, so we laugh a lot. That might not be the best thing...
We left our phone at Ron's by accident, which could have been a ploy to be able to see him again a day later, except it was actually just clumsiness. Heh.
We talked to Luke, who still has potential. Plus, NICK KNOWS HIM! I swear everyone in Sturgeon Bay knows each other. It's insane. But perfect.
We taught the Restoration to a potential named Kurt, and it was like the perfect atmosphere and he was the perfect listener, which was so awesome for Sister Karlsson's first chance to seriously teach the Restoration. Everyone we meet is going to get baptized, basically.
Met a Packer player. Might be teaching him in the near future. Too bad we didn't catch his name. Might be Donald Driver? :P
I hate misinformation. When people don't even give us a chance. It's ridiculous.
UHH, CHURCH. It was fantastic. Nick gave the opening prayer in sacrament, then he was sustained to be ordained to the office of Priest in the Aaronic Priesthood, then he was sustained to become a counselor in the Young Men's Presidency. BEST DAY OF MY LIFE. THIS IS GENIUS.
Sam hadn't showed up to church in two weeks. For Easter it was because he had a family thing. Then this week it was his third day at his new job. We went and visited him to do some reprimanding but it's impossible to reprimand that kid because he just proves you wrong every time! He's been reading the BoM for like an hour every day and is going to ask for Sunday's off.
His whole family is softening to the gospel as are most of his friends. We gave him 5 BoMs and he met us outside to take them over to his neighbors because he couldn't wait to give one to her. And [no one tell, but] Brandy is reading his old BoM. She would stop if she ever found out that we knew about it, and deny it if anyone asked her, so we'll just let her on her way :)
The BoM converts by itself. Yay for sneakiness on all sides >:)
Basically these next few months are going to be the best eva!! I am so excited. I love setting the standard for a new missionary, although it helps that she is eager to be obedient and diligent too :) Life is just too fantastic.
I love you alls :) Keep being missionaries wherever you are :)
Sister Neal

4/21/14: We Made a Watermelon Cake

For Sister Baker. She only eats healthy things. She found the idea on the internet; covering a watermelon in whipped cream and grapes, so we tried it. The internet people might have been lying. Whipped cream does not stick to watermelon very well. But it tasted good!
There is such a thing as having too many viewpoints on a situation. Particularly when those views are mistrustful and conspiring. I like to just expect the best of people :) And I'm normally right! So there. Believe in people.
Sam is alive and not Anti'd. Crystal is moving along.
I've never had a person get baptized that I didn't consider golden from the beginning. But Melissa is well on her way. If she does get baptized, she'll be one of those not golden people. We've had to work our tails off to get her to feel the Spirit. But I think it's working >:)
I don't know what happened to this week, but we had no time for anything!! We were busy from the start to the end of the day, but I hardly felt like we got anything accomplished. Maybe transfer stress caused us to work slower? I don't know.
My love for people has increased SO MUCH out here. There are so many people that I just can't do anything less than my all for, because I want them to succeed. It's exhausting, but I can't stop because...because I believe in them! I love the joy that comes to me as I watch out for others and make their concerns my concerns.
Little kids and pinatas. This game is very dangerous.
TRANSFERS! I had this feeling of what was gonna happen, and it was half fulfilled when transfer text told us that Sister Allen was leaving. But then the other half didn't get explained for like 24 hours, which was the longest 24 hours of my LIFE! I felt confident enough in what I expected to happen that I was sure it was the Spirit, but I still wouldn't let myself settle on the matter until I knew for sure. Cause if things didn't happen the way I expected them to...well, then I wouldn't know what to think about the promptings of the Spirit. It would have been like, "I must not know ANYTHING!"
But things worked out like I thought they would after all. I am training!! Yay for the Spirit :)
It's been making me sick thinking about it. I'm super nervous! I feel like I have so much more wisdom than when I trained at the beginning of my mission, but I also feel like I was a better trainer in other aspects back then. But I need this experience; maybe it'll whip me into shape, haha :)
You've never been a missionary in a branch with this kind of nonsense. My trainee is gonna be like, "...this was not in my call packet." No, it wasn't. Wahoo!
Easter was fantastic. We ate way too much good food, but other than that it was pretty much a normal day being a missionary. Love it :)
Thinking of this Easter season, of the sacrifice of the Savior, and of my personal sacrifice to serve my mission, I've been making some really cool connections. Even though it was the Infinite and Eternal sacrifice, I suspect that when I get to talk to Him, He'll tell me that it was hardly a sacrifice at all. That seems to be the way sacrifices work. They never really seem like much when you can see the bigger picture. The times when I have sacrificed the most have also been the times I have reflected upon with the most joy and gratitude. Pretty cool, huh?
Sister Neal

4/14/14: Baptisms :D

Everything leads up to the baptisms out here. Thankfully that's not where it ends, but we spend SO much time working up to that point's just ridiculous when it happens.
We also had exchanges this week, which were super fun! Taught some really good lessons with Sister Taylor, and hope to see eternigators start progressing soon. Sister Neal Strategem: I don't leave eternigators in my areas. They either figure out that they're supposed to progress, or they fall off the radar cause they're not willing to try. We don't just hang out in the middle.
You know when there is a list of people you know that just don't try very hard, or have some serious personality defects they need to override? And then there's moments when you sit down with those very same people and they tell you with all the energy of soul that they are trying. And the spirit is strong. And you believe them. And then it's like, "Well, now what am I supposed to think?"
It's a really nice moment and all, but it's also like GAAHHH
We planned the baptismal interviews for Friday evening, but our District Leader doesn't have a car and I guess borrowing one wasn't working out so he asked if we could do Thursday night instead. "Sure." Then he says, "Okay, then I can make it around 7:30." And we say, "Okay." and he says "I'm getting a ride up with President." and we're like "QEWEWBRLJ."
So then like an hour before the baptismal interview due to lack of communication, we have an emergency lesson based on some concerns that sound quite serious with one of the investigators. We eat dinner, then we only have like half an hour for the lesson. We address questions upfront and listen to the spirit and be direct and guess what? The Lord doesn't always cut slack when you have time to prepare for a lesson and don't, but if you legitimately didn't have any prep time, the Spirit is like TA-DA HERE I AM and your half hour lesson is amazing and you run to the church for baptismal interviews like fifteen minutes late.
Then your investigators pass their interviews with flying colors and you also get your own interview (which was supposed to be the following day) done and then you can go out to lunch with other missionaries the next day instead of having to wait for interviews :) Muahaha.
And also interviews just feel good when you are on Presidente's good side. My last interview he was kinda not in a very good mood so I was very grateful he was more himself this time :) I love our mission president!
Legit mexican food is...legit.
Then the baptisms happened and our font is very small and I never cease to be amazed by how many priesthood holders don't know how to stand in the water to give the baptism optimum space. So that they don't hit tall people's heads on the wall on the way down. but I guess that's what makes it memorable, right?

Branch Conference was AMAZING. It started for us at 7:45 am and ended at about 1:00 pm. It was the best thing ever. Our stake leaders are incredible!! I wish I had taken more notes...
The branch has had 6 baptisms in the last six months or so, which was a pretty huge change from the 1 baptism they had in the like three years before that. And ALL TEN of those people were at church on Sunday. This is called retention. We love it :)
Reeling that I'm going home in like four months. WEIRD. My whole mission has passed WAY too fast. But at the same time, I think I'll be feeling ready to step back into the world to a certain extent by then. Just cause there are some righteous endeavors like family history I would like to pursue, which is hard to do on my mission. And also seeing The Saratov Approach. And watching BYU-TV. And being a member missionary. Contributing.  And such things. But I am taking advantage of every second I've got to be out here :)
Sister Neal

4/7/14: Yay Conference!!

You know there's some serious congative dissonance going on when someone who is a member of the church will not let you leave them a BoM to read because they're protestant now, and then, as your walking out the door, they ask that you have someone come by and give them a blessing. PRIESTHOOD. AUTHORITY.
Speaking of which, did you catch Elder Uchtdorf's AWESOME talk in Priesthood session? I loved it!! And all the other ones in Priesthood session. Easily my favorite session--and the one that answered all my questions that I had come in with!
Our mission is taking the plunge on family history work. I fail at knowing my family history. I wish I had read that binder back home now! This stuff has been getting so much emphasis recently...I'm gonna have to get on it when I get home!
Okay, this is super dumb, but I'm never struggled with feeling like I can't actually reach perfection like I've felt the past few weeks. It's obnoxious. Cause I know that's totally unreasonable and totally SATAN, but I still just have these intense moments when it's just like..."Holy cow. That's really far away." And I feel like giving up. They last about four seconds. But they're four really not cool seconds. Why is this an issue now? Conference was good for it though :)
Correlating in the branch hardly ever happens. But when it does it's great. I don't know why I love meetings so much. They just make me really hopeful that things are actually happening.
Punks who are punks who are punks who are punks. I don't know how you can know this gospel is true and not abide by it!!
Anyone else catch Packer's AWESOMENESS? And also, how he's totally not making it to next conference? I thought he was gonna die right there! And it breaks my heart how old Monson has gotten in the past few years :( But the gospel is worth it!! :D I can't even express how grateful I am for these incredible men :)
Sam and Nick getting baptized this weekend :)

Sister Neal

3/31/14: The Book of Mormon

It's Another Testament of Jesus Christ. Which is totally sweet. You know you want it.
Walmart is becoming Mormon central. We do our weekly shopping and run into like 5 members of the branch! It's fantastic :)
Jacob 5 is fantastic. I didn't know it could get more fantastic. But every time I read it it does.
How is making people self-sufficient going?
It's going great! Although it also somewhat involves causing our investigators to relocate, which means we have to give referrals of these awesome goldens we've been working so hard with! But I threw out the importance of numbers like a year ago, so I don't mind, as long as they come to Christ :)
Had a DTR with one of our investigators. Went quite well. But she still didn't come to church. BAHHH
The Book of Mormon. Look at it. Read it. Use it. Pray about it. My work here is done. That's how awesome it is.

Some days all we meet are nice people and some days all we meet are mean people. I'm constantly confused by it.

We got in contact with Luke and he's not avoiding us. Good! And Kirt's still nice enough not to say go away. Royn and Shiela are alive still! They just need to read the BoM. PJ is a future Nick--we gave him a BoM and he's gonna read it and get converted and we won't even haveto come back. He'll come to us. yeesssss....
Yay for members who do missionary work!
Thoughts of the week:

Manual labor feels good once in a while.
No matter how active people are in their church, you know it's not the true church when they still swear every few lines. True conversion just doesn't happen in other churches, I think. Cause they don't have the FULNESS
General Women's Meeting? SUCH THE BESTEST THING EVA
King Benjamin was the best king ever, but I think it started with the fact that he was the best dad first. I think I'll just read his sermon to my kids then they'll be good. Who can compete with that awesomeness?

Are you ready?
See y'alls! We are going on a hike cause it's like 40 degrees today. It's the BEST. Also gotta reconstitute the vegetable protein, organize the trivial pursuit cards, and possibly write some letters.

Sister Neal

3/24/14: Never A Dull Moment

I have decided that Heavenly Father doesn't believe in letting missionaries relax. With the exception of like one transfer back when I was in Green Bay :) And He only does that when he's prepping you for something really intense.
Our new investigator Luke is a really good guy, and an honest seeker. It's these people that I take completely responsibility for, because if they don't convert there's gotta be something wrong with what I'm doing. He's ready for it. I am not letting this guy slip. But he does need a tad bit more desire. Then he'll be solid, haha :)
Our week started with getting TOTALLY Bible-bashed by Luke's mom for like half an hour. I think it was the first real bible-bashing of my mission (although it's really weird to call it bible-bashing when it's so one-sided). It was fantastic. I felt like Luke's faith in what we had to share grew from the experience. My faith certainly did. And we hardly said anything.
You know that scripture in Alma 7 and other places that talks about people 'making his paths crooked' and stuff? Totally redefined for me. These people are masters of it. I don't know why they would want to believe stuff like that!
Can I have a spokesman like Moses and Aaron? That would be nice. I swear I'm awful at explaining these epic connections I make in my brain. Me and giving trainings=no bueno.

Every now and then I have to reformulate the way I teach because I slip into Sister Neal Teaching rather than PmG Teaching and then I notice that it's just not as good. This was one of those rewiring weeks.
Random thoughts of this week:

Committing investigators to not talk so much and listen better. Politely. Is excellent.
That HAWKWARD moment when your investigator is not an investigator anymore and they didn't even get baptized yet. But might need to get rebaptized. Nonsense.
Apostates who don't know they're apostates. Word to the wise: LISTEN TO THE PROPHETS NOT THE BORN AGAINS ON THE INTERNET
One of the best things about senior couples in your area:you find and teach the investigators, and they fellowship them! It's great. I swear all our investigators just hang out with the senior missionaries whenever we aren't looking.

Livin the best life ever :D
Sister Neal

3/17/14: It's Getting Warmer :D

You know those moments when everything is going a little too smoothly with too many baptisms and stuff and you know you've got to be in for something ridiculous?

This week I learned that people that have no potential might actually have potential. Other people have had a very different upbringing than mine, so even when they seem to be in a whole different world of morals and values, sometimes they just need their eyes opened to what they could have and that takes time and effort. And this is why we never give up on people.
My fears about Elizabeth were put to rest as we prepared her for baptism this week. She is definitely ready. But in her interview with President some things came out that she never told us and although she's totally worthy to be baptized we have some investigating to do sooo....baptism is gonna postponed. Hopefully only for a little while. When President told me my mind was BLOWN!!! Moments like that are always fun. Makes missionary life exciting.
Went and saw a potential and she was like "I have shingles and am very contagious" then she talked to us for like half an hour. Hopefully the Lord protects His missionaries, heh...but she's reading the BoM!

Sam and Crystal are ready. They just need to be self-sufficient first. There's always something...this might take a lot of time, but you know, that doesn't bother me! When people are ready and working toward baptism, I don't really care how long it takes. I know it's better for it to happen sooner rather than later, but everyone in their own time. They'll get there :)
We have a bunch of potentials that have SO MUCH POTENTIAL!!! We got Rose a BoM this week so she can finally begin investigating, Luke we just met and he seems like he's got all kinda of potential, and Scott texted us and was like "I'm gonna enroll in institute. Can I do that?" and we were like "YES" so that's moving forward, even though we haven't even met the man yet. We got 8 nonmembers to the RS dinner on Friday. It wasn't just us by any means, but it was cool to see them all there!!

We had stake conference this week and it was great! all about missionary work, less active work, and temple work, which as far as I'm concerned is pretty much covers the work of the Church. We really do need more helpful members, so hopefully that got people thinking. And they've already been striving to be more helpful, so things are looking up! I love meetings, haha.
We taught Nick about temples and work for the dead and stuff. And the priesthood. It was all pretty mind-blowing for him, but he's been so confused for like a month straight now so we had to explain it!! Fortunately it didn't turn his interest away, cause he's awesome and he knows the BoM is true :) That was our third lesson with him, so we still have a ton to teach him, but he's golden, so whatevaz :D
Follow the Spirit. It's the best thing ever. And read the BoM.

Sister Neal

3/10/14: Forgotten Missionaries

Hey all!

We waited, dying, for TWO HOURS for the transfer text and finally texted our STLs about it. It had come on time, and we were FORGOTTEN! The ZLs still haven't sent it to us. It's okay, cause the STLs forwarded it, but now I want to take revenge on our ZLs. How dare they forget our precious Sturgeon Bay! Kinda funny though.

We taught Nick for the first time and he was at Alma 6. If you haven't read it recently, read the last verse of Alma 5. When he said "I am at Alma 6" I was like 'eeexcellent...'
Then we asked him if he had any questions and he was like "I was just wondering about the process for getting baptized." So we set a date.
The BoM converts all by itself. I'm telling you. The most important thing we can get investigators to do is read it!! Then the Spirit does the rest of it for us :)
I finished knitting a new scripture bag. Which was great, because I've been a little too caught up with it the past few weeks and now I don't have to worry about it anymore. Yay for reconsecration. I'm not planning any more projects any time soon. It's a cute bag :)
(I was reading a newsletter from some Deseret or other and was like "I need to get off my mission so I can read all these books!" There were ones by Monson, Holland, Eyring, Packer, and Perry that I really want to read. And Callister and Brad Wilcox. Also, The Saratov Approach? Gotta see that. And Ephraim's Rescue. And like everything else. But don't worry, I'm still obsessed with being a missionary!!)
We had Zone Training this week and there are some elders I really want to destroy. But the meeting was really good, and it was fun to see everyone :) I feel so isolated out here, geez!
Transfer board has some unexpected changes, but for the most part it was expected. No news in Sturg.
We had a lesson with Elizabeth and she was like, "I'm 90% there on baptism." But saying it out loud seemed to fill the ten percent left, because then she was just begging us to pick a date. It was a miracle. I'm kinda holding back--because I have a pretty intense fear of baptizing unworthy people and determined that I would never be part of any such abomination--but she really is trying, and preparing herself, and understands a lot. I think she'll get baptized on the 22nd. Probably. but we'll see how I feel about it as she gets closer. Scarring memories from West Allis tell me it might all be a ploy.
Sam is doing sooo great! He and Crystal missed church, which, after our powerhouse lesson on baptism, was pretty concerning. We went over after church and laid down the law on true conversion.
I don't know if this is a normal thing, or a good thing, but I just ask people what I'm thinking if they're the type of person I know can handle it. In this case some of those questions were: "Do you think the commitment to come to church every Sunday for the rest of your life is too great?" "Why aren't you living with your family?" and "Self-reliance is a huge part of the Lord's church. Everyone there is so helpful and friendly because you are in need right now, but one day, it is expected that you will provide for yourself and you'll do your part to help whoever is in need. Do you understand that?"
And then Sam is like "I'm so ready for this!" because he gets it and wants to be better. I love people who know that high expectations are a given in the life of a disciple of Christ. Cause they are!!
I got to go on an exchange back to GB2 on Friday with Sister Newton!! It was the best thing ever. I can't believe how blessed I was to serve with her for almost three whole transfers. And our area is doing so well and so much has happened since I left! So much good stuff. It's awesome. But now Sister Newton is getting transferred. I can't hardly even imagine our district without her. It's weird.
Homemade strawberry jam.
Senior couples=the best. Sister Baker taught us everything about motherhood we ever need to know. It was ridiculous, but awesome.
Ever onward!
Sister Neal